A veghippy Resource for World Vegetarian Day (October 1st)
Congratulations on pledging veg for World Vegetarian Day! You are making a huge difference in the environment from your decision! It's not easy begin vegetarian at first, but that's why I've created a little resource for your meat-free adventure...Here you go!
"How to Veg"
1) Prior to your day of vegetarianism, it's advisable to start cutting out meat products gradually as opposed to going "cold turkey." Try starting out by limiting red meat consumption such as pork and beef. Limit yourself to only fish, seafood, and poultry meat (such as chicken) until your body is more accustomed to the diet change. Then eventually cut out poultry, then seafood, then fish, until your body can healthily transition to the vegetarian diet completely.
2) Remember that vegetarian diets, as opposed to vegan diets, still include dairy and eggs which contains your protein, vitamins, and calcium! So please continue to eat your yogurts, cow/goat milks, and chicken eggs. But I recommend eating organic and local brands of dairy and egg products to ensure the humane treatment of those animals.
3) A short random list of my favorite plant-based sources of protein and nutrition that I eat most commonly:
Black Beans
Peanut Butter
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Peanut Butter
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Sweet Potatoes
4) A short random list of meat-textured alternatives:
Portabella or shiitake mushrooms
Veggie Burgers (Morningstar, Dr. Praeger's)
5) A little known secret of the vegetarian world: Nutritional Yeast! aka "Nuti-Yeast," or "Nooch" to some.
What is Nutritional Yeast? It's a flaky nutritional supplement filled with B-vitamins, folic acid, selenium, zinc, and protein. It has a slight savory flavor that almost tastes like cheese. You can sprinkle it on your popcorn, snacks, smoothies, and any of your meals for extra nutritional content. Get it in bulk from Savvy Teas and Herbs: HERE.
Happy World Vegetarian Day everyone!!!
5) A little known secret of the vegetarian world: Nutritional Yeast! aka "Nuti-Yeast," or "Nooch" to some.
What is Nutritional Yeast? It's a flaky nutritional supplement filled with B-vitamins, folic acid, selenium, zinc, and protein. It has a slight savory flavor that almost tastes like cheese. You can sprinkle it on your popcorn, snacks, smoothies, and any of your meals for extra nutritional content. Get it in bulk from Savvy Teas and Herbs: HERE.
Happy World Vegetarian Day everyone!!!
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