Monday, September 15, 2014

Pledge for World Vegetarian Day!

Save The Date!

October 1st is World Vegetarian Day

  WVD Website

October is Vegetarian Awareness month! To kickoff the annual advocacy efforts for vegetarianism is World Vegetarian Day on October 1st. This celebration is sponsored by the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS), a non-profit devoted to the support and networking of vegetarians, and education through conferences and news material about the benefits of a meat-free dietWorld Vegetarian Day began in 1977 as a fun way to promote the interest and possibility of vegetarianism to others.

The event is highlighted by a Contest in which non-vegetarians who pledge can win cash prizes. If you go veg for a day, a week, or the whole month of October, you get added to the random drawing to WIN up to $1000!

In support of this wonderful event, veghippy asks YOU to PLEDGE and take this

There are many great reasons to try a meat-free diet!
  • For Health: According to the ADA, vegetarians are at a lower risk for developing heart disease, colorectal cancer, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension due to a low fat and high fiber content in their diet.
  • For the Environment: In 2006, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization reported that the American livestock industry uses more resources and pollutes our waterways more than any other industry. Switching to a plant-based diet for a single day will save more water than by switching to a low flow showerhead.
  • For the Animals: In 2011, the USDA calculated that 9.1 billion cows, chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigs, and sheep were slaughtered for food under cruel conditions. It is estimated that eating a vegetarian diet once a week would save 1.9 billion animals from being slaughtered this way.

Non-vegetarians worldwide are participating together on October 1st to try their will (and their luck!) and go vegetarian, even just for one day. Together you can do it!

My hope is that at least ONE person from veghippy will win a cash prize from their pledge!

Will it be YOU???

(Click the banner to go to the pledge page!)
 WVD Website


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